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Psychodrama Event

The Art of Slow

Event Cost: 
$325 early bird (by 26 September) ; $345 full fee

When we slow down sufficiently to open out the momentary events that make up our experience, we can be present to the emerging life in ourselves and others. Aspects of these moments can be amplified, the unsaid spoken, the barely conscious brought into awareness. New perspectives can be generated.

This workshop uses the psychodrama method to develop the art of slowing down in the company of others. Participants can expect to generate a range of experiences of the psychodrama method and to become familiar with the training approach taken at Melbourne Campus. It will be of interest to people who wish to expand their capacity to work with individuals and groups and to those who wish to develop greater flexibility and efficacy in their professional and personal lives.

The workshop is highly recommended for people wishing to enrol in the 2023 Training Program.

Saturday 15th October, 2022
Start 10:00 am
10.00am-5.00pm Sat & Sun 15-16 October
SWell Centre
2 Minona Street Hawthorn
Melbourne, VIC 3122