Psychodrama Event

Sociodrama - Perth

Event Cost: 
$450 - discounts may be available for Students etc please apply personally to Helen Phelan hjphelan@iinet.net.au

You are invited to this special event ....

In this weekend workshop psychodrama trainees can expect to have an experience of sociodrama, one of the specialties of psychodrama.  The purpose of sociodrama is to bring about effective inter group and intra group functioning.  Elizabeth, who is leading this weekend, has most of her experience in conducting sociodramas in large public sector organisations; the Audit Office, Universities, Treasury, Health Department, Police, Education, Agriculture and Fisheries, etc.  She has also used sociodrama in some private sector organisations and in the community sector, particularly in disability services, ‘What must I develop to thrive in a world where some people think I’d be better off dead?’

More recently, Elizabeth has focussed on the functioning of families using sociodrama.   She uses sociodrama, sociometry and role training in the exploration of cross cultural world views within, for example, a migrant family.  Elizabeth finds the formulation of the focal conflict of a group can be of assistance in creating a sociodramatic question, for instance, ‘What differing values can we bring forward with one another in such a way that we build strong and friendly relationships without insulting one another and creating ill-will and withdrawal?’

In particular Elizabeth will focus on

  • Warm up to your involvement in social groups within the wider world.
  • Your warm up to your experience, expressing your experience, and your aspirations in that social system.
  • Identification of the sub groups and their differing world views about the social situation.
  • Production of enactments to develop new perceptions and functioning that involve you in experiencing the roles of people in the various sub groups in that social situation/system.  Use will be made of;
    • Interviewing,
    • Role reversal,
    • Concretisation,
    • Maximisation,
    • Asides,
    • Other creative interventions.
  • Accepting your responsibility for your own experience and actions as you relate to the outside world and in doing so dropping any tendency to blame or condemn yourself or others.
  • Accept yourself as you experience adequacy through experiencing spontaneity.
  • Further deepen your manifestation of your commitment to an ongoing process of learning

Elizabeth is certificated by AANZPA as a sociodramatist and Trainer, Educator and Practitioner and is the Director of Training at Psychodrama Australia (PA) Brisbane Campus.  You can read more about her on the PA website, psychodramaaustralia.edu.au

For Registration Please contact Helen Phelan, hjphelan@iinet.net.au Mob: 0407225116

Light Refreshments available - for Lunch, bring food to share or access local food outlets.

Saturday 22nd July, 2023
Start 9:30 am
Sat 22nd, 9:30-5pm; Sun 23rd, 9:30-4pm
Learning Centre, Leederville Community Centre
99 Loftus Street
Leederville, WA 6062