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Psychodrama Australia Melbourne Campus

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

This multi-level training group over eight weekends between early March and early November 2025 at the Melbourne Campus is an AANZPA accredited training program. It includes a workshop in October which is open to a wider group of trainees.

For new trainees at the core curriculum level and for trainees at intermediate and advanced levels of training.

1 Mar 2025
Starts Sat & Sun 1-2 March 10am - 5.30pm
2 Minona Street, Melbourne

with Hilde Knottenbelt and Martin Putt

Creating dramas one step at a time gives a group leader the means to work with the emerging life of the group in a structured, poetic and elastic manner.

This training event is for core, intermediate and advanced trainees engaged in psychodrama training in Australia and overseas.

10 Apr 2025
10.30 am Thursday 10 April - 4pm Sunday 13 April
80 McNamaras Rd, Melbourne

with Chris Hosking

For participants in the 2025 Training Group and trainees from Melbourne and beyond who are actively engaged with psychodrama training.

3 Oct 2025
Friday & Saturday 10-5.30 and Sunday 10-5pm
2 Minona Street, Melbourne

with Hilde Knottenbelt

When we slow down sufficiently to open out the momentary events that make up our experience, we can be present to the emerging life in ourselves and others. Aspects of these moments can be amplified, the unsaid spoken, the barely conscious brought into awareness. New perspectives can be generated. 

18 Oct 2025
10.00am-5.00pm Sat & Sun 18-19 October
2 Minona Street, Melbourne

Current and Past Events

Current and Past Events

Applications are open

This multi-level training group over eight weekends in 2020 at the Melbourne

Campus is an AANZPA accredited training program.

It is for new trainees at the core curriculum level and for trainees at intermediate

and advanced levels of training. It incorporates workshops in May* and August*

which are also open to a wider group of participants.

14 Mar 2020
Saturday and Sunday 14-15 March, 2020
2 Minona St, Melbourne

with Giovanni Fusetti

Saturday and Sunday 22-23 February

Early bird fee $415 closes 13 January!

Through the body we can arrive at what we think and feel. And through character and clown, rooted as they are in the body, we can access an infinite source of discovery and insight into the human condition.




22 Feb 2020
10am-5pm Saturday and Sunday 22-23 February
2 Minona St, Melbourne

with Hilde Knottenbelt

Saturday and Sunday 1-2 February 10am- 5pm

For people who wish to experience psychodrama for the first time, to reacquaint themselves with this way of working and those who are interested in participating in the 2020 training program



1 Feb 2020
10am-5pm Saturday and Sunday 1-2 February
2 Minona St, Melbourne

Early Bird by 1 Oct $325!

Led by Hilde Knottenbelt

Saturday and Sunday

26-27 October

For people who wish to experience psychodrama for the first time, to reacquaint themselves with this way of working and those who are interested in participating in the 2020 training program

26 Oct 2019
10am-5pm Saturday and Sunday 26-27 October
9 Minona St, Melbourne

Sociodrama Workshop in Melbourne

24-25 August 2019 

Led by Bev Hosking and Jenny Hutt

Early bird closes 26 July



24 Aug 2019
Saturday and Sunday 24-25 August, 2019
9 Minona Street, Melbourne

The Dynamic Nature of the Individual and the Group: a Psychodramatic Perspective 

Three-day psychodrama training workshop in Melbourne

led by Chris Hosking

Early bird closes 21 June


2 Aug 2019
Friday, Saturday, Sunday 2-4 August, 2019
9 Minona St, Melbourne

This three day training workshop in Melbourne will be most relevant to those who have a keen

interest in the psychodrama method, body psychotherapies, drama therapies. Psychodrama has

at its core a deep interest in the movement of the human body - what it teaches us and

how it can guide us in an exploration of the human psyche.

3 May 2019
Friday, Saturday, Sunday 3-5 May 10am-5.30pm, finishes 5pm Sunday

This multi-level training group over eight weekends in 2019 at the Melbourne Campus

is an AANZPA accredited training program. It is for new trainees at the core curriculum level and

for trainees at intermediate and advanced levels of training. It incorporates workshops

in May* and August* which are also open to a wider group of participants.

2 Mar 2019
Starts Saturday and Sunday 2-3 March 10am-5.30pm

Early bird enrolments by 18 January

This workshop uses the psychodrama method to develop the art of slowing down in the company of others.

Participants can expect to generate a range of experiences of the psychodrama method

and to become familiar with the training approach taken at Melbourne Campus.

2 Feb 2019
10am-5pm Saturday and Sunday 2-3 February
9 Minona Street, Hawthorn, Vic 3122, Melbourne

Led by Hilde Knottenbelt

1-2 February 2020

For people who wish to experience psychodrama for the first time, to reacquaint themselves with this way of working and those who are interested in the 2020 training program

More details on the theme soon

1 Feb 2019
10am-5pm Saturday and Sunday 1-2 February
2 Minona St, Melbourne