Upcoming Events
This multi-level training group over eight weekends between early March and early November 2025 at the Melbourne Campus is an AANZPA accredited training program. It includes a workshop in October which is open to a wider group of trainees.
For new trainees at the core curriculum level and for trainees at intermediate and advanced levels of training.
with Hilde Knottenbelt and Martin Putt
Creating dramas one step at a time gives a group leader the means to work with the emerging life of the group in a structured, poetic and elastic manner.
This training event is for core, intermediate and advanced trainees engaged in psychodrama training in Australia and overseas.
with Chris Hosking
For participants in the 2025 Training Group and trainees from Melbourne and beyond who are actively engaged with psychodrama training.
with Hilde Knottenbelt
When we slow down sufficiently to open out the momentary events that make up our experience, we can be present to the emerging life in ourselves and others. Aspects of these moments can be amplified, the unsaid spoken, the barely conscious brought into awareness. New perspectives can be generated.
Current and Past Events
This workshop is for facilitators who want to build or expand their repertoire of action methods and integrate fresh perspectives into their practice. It is relevant to those facilitating learning, team building, reviews, consultations, strategic planning and public dialogue.
In this evening session you are invited to explore your experiences of a place called home, by participating in or watching a number of brief enactments. Likely to be engrossing, poignant and rich, this session is open to anyone interested in experiencing and observing psychodrama, sociodrama and action methods.
This workshop is an opportunity to extend and refine your practice as an individual counsellor and psychotherapist. You can expect to learn how and where new principles can be applied in one-to-one counselling and therapy.
You can expect modelling and teaching of a number of approaches, small group activities where you can practise in groups, and some supervision in the whole group. The overall approach will be playful and active.
The workshop is for experienced practitioners seeking to focus and refine their work and for beginners or newcomers to counselling and psychodrama as well. Your learning will be applicable to a wide range of clients.
This session is open to anyone interested in experiencing and observing psychodrama and action methods.
Register here and pay at the door.
This session is open to anyone interested in observing and experiencing psychodrama and action methods.
8-10 May (3 days)
Role training is an effort to help us perform adequately in future situations. It is a method of learning that aims to bring about a rise in the spontaneity level of an individual and combine this with practice of a new expression.
This multi-level training runs over eight weekends between March and November.
It is accredited by AANZPA and PACFA.
An evening of experiential psychodrama for newcomers, trainees and practitioners.
7-8 February (2 day workshop)
Experience how the psychodrama method awakens and strengthens capacities for living creatively.
An experiential workshop which introduces participants to the psychodrama method.