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Psychodrama Australia Melbourne Campus

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

This multi-level training group over eight weekends between early March and early November 2025 at the Melbourne Campus is an AANZPA accredited training program. It includes a workshop in October which is open to a wider group of trainees.

For new trainees at the core curriculum level and for trainees at intermediate and advanced levels of training.

1 Mar 2025
Starts Sat & Sun 1-2 March 10am - 5.30pm
2 Minona Street, Melbourne

with Hilde Knottenbelt and Martin Putt

Creating dramas one step at a time gives a group leader the means to work with the emerging life of the group in a structured, poetic and elastic manner.

This training event is for core, intermediate and advanced trainees engaged in psychodrama training in Australia and overseas.

10 Apr 2025
10.30 am Thursday 10 April - 4pm Sunday 13 April
80 McNamaras Rd, Melbourne

with Chris Hosking

For participants in the 2025 Training Group and trainees from Melbourne and beyond who are actively engaged with psychodrama training.

3 Oct 2025
Friday & Saturday 10-5.30 and Sunday 10-5pm
2 Minona Street, Melbourne

with Hilde Knottenbelt

When we slow down sufficiently to open out the momentary events that make up our experience, we can be present to the emerging life in ourselves and others. Aspects of these moments can be amplified, the unsaid spoken, the barely conscious brought into awareness. New perspectives can be generated. 

18 Oct 2025
10.00am-5.00pm Sat & Sun 18-19 October
2 Minona Street, Melbourne

Current and Past Events

Current and Past Events

We all have them: everyday moments which need a more inspired response than we come up with at the time. Instead, we can narrow down, withdraw, condemn, dither or collude. We experience a failure of imagination.

This session uses action methods from psychodrama to engage you in revisiting a range of everyday situations in a spirit of play and experimentation.


13 Apr 2016
Be there at 7.15pm, finishes 9.45pm
189 High Street, Melbourne

This supervision group is for professionals conducting clinical work in groups and one to one settings, including psychodrama practitioners, trainees and other professionals interested in this approach.

The group is led by Richard Hall

8 Apr 2016
9.30 -11.30am
9 Carlton Street, Melbourne

This multi-level training group is an AANZPA accredited training program.

It is for new trainees at the core curriculum level and trainees at intermediate and advanced levels of training.

The group is led by Jenny Hutt, Hilde Knottenbelt and Chris Hosking.

19 Mar 2016
19-20 March 11am-6pm
189 High Street, Melbourne

In response to migration and refugees, Angela Merkel opened the German border and Donald Trump is putting deportation and building a big wall on his US Presidential ‘to do’ list. Here in Australia, a third of us were born overseas and we are said to live in one of the most successful multicultural nations in the world. Yet successive Australian governments detain asylum seekers off shore, despite clear evidence of the damage this is doing.

This evening session is an invitation for us to consider our experiences, impulses and challenges in coming to grips with our country’s approach to migration, refugees and people seeking asylum. Aspects of the psychodrama method will be used to help us build our connections as we discover more about the things that matter to us.


8 Mar 2016
Be there at 7.15pm, finishes 9.45pm
189 High Street, Melbourne

Developing presence and the capacity to work with the emerging life in ourselves and others is the focus of this weekend, led by Hilde Knottenbelt.

It will be of interest to people who wish to expand their capacity to work with groups and individuals in a range of settings and to those who wish to develop greater flexibility and efficacy in their professional and personal lives.

13 Feb 2016
10am – 5pm Sat Feb 13 - Sun Feb 14
189 High Street, Melbourne

This supervision group led by Richard Hall is for professionals conducting clinical work in groups and one to one settings.

This includes psychodrama practitioners, trainees and other professionals interested in this approach.

Participants may enrol for the whole year or for one or more series. Each series has for a maximum of five participants.

12 Feb 2016
9 Carlton Street, Melbourne

Here’s a chance to notice, reflect on and savour some of your experiences of life this year…. To consider what has absorbed you, and what has been satisfying, inspiring, challenging, surprising.




25 Nov 2015
Starts 7.15pm, finishes 9.45pm
189 High Street, Melbourne

Saturday Oct 3 - Sunday October 4

Developing presence and the capacity to work with the emerging life in ourselves and others is the focus of this weekend. It is an essential aspect of the practice of the psychodrama method and of the training process at Psychodrama Australia.

3 Oct 2015
10am – 5pm Saturday Oct 3 - Sunday October 4
St Heliers Street, Melbourne

We live our lives in a busy, worldly, multicultural city on a blue planet at the edge of the galaxy. And while many of us are not religious, “sacred” experiences  in our everyday lives can often delight and sustain us.

In this experiential workshop you will be invited to reflect on moments in your life which you might call sacred. There will be a chance to participate as some of these experiences are explored in action. You are likely to come away with an enriched view of yourself and others and our inner worlds.

21 Sep 2015
Starts at 7.15pm and finishes 9.45pm
189 High Street, Melbourne

11-13 September (3 days)

Many groups face the challenge of creating a culture in the world that will enhance our development, and be a community of learning, where there is mutual respect and interest. For creativity to flourish in a group, attention needs to be paid to the emerging interpersonal dynamics. If these are anticipated, valued and understood, the likelihood increases of individual and group purposes being achieved.

11 Sep 2015
189 High Street, Melbourne