Upcoming Events
This multi-level training group over eight weekends between early March and early November 2025 at the Melbourne Campus is an AANZPA accredited training program. It includes a workshop in October which is open to a wider group of trainees.
For new trainees at the core curriculum level and for trainees at intermediate and advanced levels of training.
with Hilde Knottenbelt and Martin Putt
Creating dramas one step at a time gives a group leader the means to work with the emerging life of the group in a structured, poetic and elastic manner.
This training event is for core, intermediate and advanced trainees engaged in psychodrama training in Australia and overseas.
with Chris Hosking
For participants in the 2025 Training Group and trainees from Melbourne and beyond who are actively engaged with psychodrama training.
with Hilde Knottenbelt
When we slow down sufficiently to open out the momentary events that make up our experience, we can be present to the emerging life in ourselves and others. Aspects of these moments can be amplified, the unsaid spoken, the barely conscious brought into awareness. New perspectives can be generated.
Current and Past Events
Eight weekends between March and October 2023.
Multi-level training group is an AANZPA accredited training program.
For new trainees at the core curriculum level and for trainees at intermediate
and advanced levels of training.
Saturday and Sunday 4-5 February 2023
with Hilde Knottenbelt
No matter how skilful we might become at turning our attention to the present moment as facilitators, group leaders, therapists, coaches, and co-creators, we can never capture 'presence' as an artefact, to be stored up for later use. Presence remains a thing of the moment: ephemeral and emergent, requiring our attention and intention, and a commitment to enter the unknown.
15-16 October
with Hilde Knottenbelt
with Chris Hosking
This workshop is for members of the 2022 training group and other advanced trainees.
20-21 August
with Bev Hosking and Jenny Hutt
This workshop offers an opportunity to examine your experiences of coming to grips with racism. Our aim is to create the space for exploration and discovery and for appreciating the challenges and possibilities you may be facing. You will have the opportunity to generate fresh insights and build your resourcefulness.
25-26 June
with Hilde Knottenbelt
This 2-day workshop will involve participants in psychodramatic explorations stimulated by the objects that make up our material worlds. Objects that connect us to lived experience, from the mundane to the sacred.
13-15 May (3 days)
with Chris Hosking
Sociometry has at its core a vision of cohesive groups, interpersonal mutuality and a stable society. Sociometry guides us to explore the psycho-social networks and deeper or hidden structures that affect the groups in which we live and work.
with Hilde Knottenbelt, Jenny Hutt, Liz Marks and Chris Hosking
This mutli-level training group over 8 weekends in 2022 at the Melbourne Campus is an AANZPA accredited training program.
It is for new trainees at the core curriculum level and for trainees at intermediate
and advanced levels of training. It incorporates a workshop in September*
which may be open to a wider group of participants.
5-6 February 2022
with Hilde Knottenbelt
Participants will be invited to relate to moments of pause, where we stop to notice what’s in and around us. From simple moments of experiencing, to moments that hold great complexity, we will take the time to stay with, to dis-cover and to re-cover our senses. It is an opportunity to slow down and relate to our present exchanges with kin, with strangers, with ourselves and with the living world and what matters to each of us.
Attendance at this workshop partially fulfils the application requirements for people intending to enrol in the 2022 Psychodrama Training Program at the Melbourne Campus.
With Hilde Knottenbelt
23-24 October 2021
Online workshop